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PerfParse facilitates the storage and analysis of binary performance data produced by Nagios and produces high-quality accurate graphs of live data from standard Nagios plugins. A permanent history of plugin results can then be viewed with advanced analysis tools.

This project is an Add-On for Nagios®. Many thanks to Ethan Galstad.

Ben Clewett © 2004 - 2005.
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  Ben Clewett   Creator - Coding
  Garry W. Cook   Web Site - Images - Docs
  Yves Mettier   Coding
  Flo Gleixner   Coding
  Tim Wuyts   Coding
  Friedrich Priewasser   Coding

Plugins and Performance Data

  1. Nagios Plugins
  2. Nagios Plugins with Performance Data
  3. Patches to add Performance Data

Nagios Plugins

The Nagios Plugins are at the heart of PerfParse. Without the plugins, there would be no performance data. As I mentioned elsewhere on the site, Nagios Plugins version 1.4.0alpha were the first to support performance data. So, you'll want to make sure that at the very least, you are using this version.
The latest Nagios Plugins can be downloaded from the project site located at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=29880.

At the time of this writing, version 1.4.0alpha of Nagios Plugins does not support Performance Data for all of the plugins in the distribution. However, the plugins are updated daily in CVS, so Performance Data may be available in CVS plugins but not in the latest release. CVS daily snapshots can be found at http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/snapshot/.

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Nagios Plugins with Performance Data

I have not yet seen a list of plugins that are known to support Performance Data. I will attempt to compile this list here. Hopefully, with the next stable release of the plugins, all will be supported, and this list will no longer be necessary.

check_nt *
check_disk *
check_icmp *
check_fping +
check_ifstatus *

* May require a patch, depending upon version.
+ Not verified to be working properly.

If you know of any others that are not listed here, please email me or send a note to the PerfParse Users Mailing List.

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Patches to add Performance Data

I've added Performance Data to some plugins myself. I've submitted patches to the Plugin Developers, and hopefully my code will be added to the plugins for a future release. They could be in the CVS snapshot as you read this. However, if you find that the plugins listed below do not produce Performance Data, you can download the necessary patch and recompile the plugin.

These patches should be applied to the original plugin source code (.c file) from the latest release of plugins version 1.4.0alpha. If patching plugins from a CVS snapshot, please be sure that the plugin does not already produce Performance Data.

As of 20040817, the check_nt patch has been commited to the Nagios Plugins in CVS. So, if you download the CVS tarball after this date, you do not need the patch.


I also created a patch to add performance data to check_ifstatus. The patched version was added to the Nagios Plugins CVS on the same date as check_nt.
Please note: check_ifstatus is part of the plugins-scripts, and does not need to be compiled before use.


The patch for check_disk, now also in Plugins CVS.


Andreas Ericsson has created a plugin called check_icmp, which is meant to be a more robust replacement for check_ping. The current version, 0.6 produces Performance data, but in the wrong format. The patch below fixes this.


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